Upper Extremity and Occupation in CP
Upper extremity Occupation in Cerebral Palsy
Tutor: Dr. Ebtehal Ahmed Taha
4 intensive practical days
Location: Cairo and Other Locations in Egypt
❖ Main Objectives:
– To provide clinical training in the knowledge and skills needed to practice occupational therapy with children who have cerebral palsy.
– To provide a strong foundation for evidence-based practice (with the addition of key research notes) in key and specific interventions.
– To provide professional hand skills and implementation on different methods of assessment and intervention for cerebral palsy patients.
❖ The main reasons to engage in these courses:
* Encourage therapists to upgrade their scientific platform.
* Teach therapists how to create instead of imitate.
* Conduct your therapy in a qualified performance.
* Provide a variety of problem solving for most common troubles facing therapist during practice.
For more details including Course outlines & Learning areas please read the attached pdf. file.
Upper extremity and occupation in CP – AIMS 2024
For Bookings please contact: