Task Oriented balance Rehabilitation Course
Neurological rehabilitation for Adults after Upper Motor Neuro Lesion
Task Oriented balance Rehabilitation Course
3 days practical course
Instructor: Sakis Adamidis
Experience 30 yrs, 2010, PhD.
2007, PNF Advanced instructor
2007, MCTA Mulligan teacher
2015, IBITA Bobath Teacher
Target Audience:
The workshop will be of interest to
physiotherapists and other health professionals from hospital and
community based settings who work with people with balance
Pre-workshop worksheets and the program will be provided to the organizing group for distribution to participants
What make this program unique and different?
– The workshop is run over 3 days and Numbers are limited so that
therapists can work with clients in small groups and receive feedback
from the presenter during clinical sessions.
– The workshop focuses on analysis of balance, retraining of balance
and falls reduction in neurological patients that are at risk of falls.
– The cases covered will have problems with their balance, with a variety
of diagnoses including stroke, Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson,
Cerebelum Ataxia etc..
F O R R E G IS T R A T I O N P L E A S E :
W H A T S A P P : +201067906745 / +201050771120
Email: info@physioaims.com