Dr. Mai Abdelmohsen Ahmed
She is graduated from Cairo University, Faculty of Physical Therapy, BSc. 2007, Post-graduate studies at Pediatrics Department; Master’s degree 2013, PHD 2018. Currently, she is the Technical Director of Free2Move Pediatric Rehabilitation Center (Egypt) since 2007, Technical Director of 3D Gait Analysis Lab (MAC) at Military Rehab Center (Egypt) since 2013, Rehabilitation Director of HOPE Abilitation Medical Center (Dubai) since 2020, Lecturer of Pediatric PT-BSU since 2018 (Former Assistant-Lecturer since 2016-2018), Former Pediatric Physiotherapist at Al-Agoza Police hospital 2010-2016 ... She is trained as Pediatric NDT/Bobath therapist since 2011 and officially certified from South Africa NDT Association (SANDTA) at 2020, certified DUNAG 02 Suit therapist since 2013, certified Kinetic Control Movement therapist at 2020 and recently certified as Prechtl General Movement Assessment (GMA) therapist at 2022. She is trained as Sensory-Motor Integration (SI) therapist since 2015, Pediatric Seat adaptation therapist 2009 and, Osteopathy 2008-2010 and Mulligan Concept 2017. She started to conduct practical workshops in field of Pediatric Rehabilitation (2009-current) and Gait Analysis (2014-currrent).